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Recommended Reads: Biomimicry – Drawing inspiration for man-made solutions from nature

It can be easy to think that to address the intimidating environmental problems we face today, we need the newest, most innovative, most ground-breaking technology. But what if ideas for new technologies could come from strategies that have already been in use for centuries? Biomimicry is the process of observing how plants and animals accomplish... Read More

Recommended Reads: Little Progress During U.N. Climate Negotiations, But Strong Local Commitments

This past Sunday marked the end of the longest ever Conference of Parties (COP) negotiations, the annual meeting of the 197 countries that are parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The U.S. was represented by a delegation led by Ambassador Marcia Bernicat (a graduate of Lafayette College!) In addition, a group... Read More

Youth Action

Actions by young people like Greta Thunberg have received international attention and reflect the fact that youth can meaningfully address the environmental issues that concern them before they can even drive a car or vote. Sometimes, being a kid can feel like a powerless position. Adults may assume that their years of experience mean they... Read More